Donate to Redeemed Chapel CME Church
At Redeemed Chapel CME Church, we rely heavily on donations to continue our mission of spreading the love of Christ to the community. Your contributions help us to provide essential services to those in need and keep our doors open to all who seek fellowship and guidance. Thank you for your generosity and support.If you would like to contribute to our mission, there are several ways to do so:
Ways to donate:
In Person
We would love to see you in person at our church. You can make a donation during one of our services or stop by the church office during business hours to drop off your contribution.
By Email
If you prefer to donate via email, please send us a message at donate@redeemedchapelcmechurch.org and we will provide you with instructions on how to make your donation.
You can also make a donation via text message. Simply text the word 'DONATE' to 555-555-5555 and follow the prompts to make your contribution. Thank you for your support!